Bootstraps the Barrister: Coo-ee everybodders. Just back from vac in 'La Belle France'. *sighs* LOL. Here's a phot of my fave resto.
Scherpiggsie: Your ….what?
BB: Oh, erm just a worker's cooperative canteen we visited on our fact-finding mission.
Scherpiggsie: What's that star next to the name then?
BB: Oh just some kind of Socialist insignia I should imagine...
Scherpiggsie: Socialistinsignia ; canteen; fact finding: Pah!! you've been on holiday, haven't you, you fraud?
BB: No really Scherpiggsie, marches, readings...
Scherpiggsie: Do you want me to call in Hank?
BB: Allright I've been on holiday! And why bloody shouldn't I? I worked hard to get where I am. I spend most of my time helping poor people and when I'm not doing that, I'm fighting the Fash on Comment is Free. Why shouldn't I have the odd fucking holiday you self-righteous twat? Fuck off!!!
Scherpiggsie: Remember kids: posh fuckers are everywhere. Keep'em peeled.
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